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Kaotoxin Records Announces Release Dates for EYE OF SOLITUDE's 'Dear Insanity' Collector EP

Kaotoxin Records has announced worldwide release dates for EYE OF SOLITUDE limited collector EP Dear Insanity. Featuring one mammoth 50-minute title track, the EP will be available in France on November 24, the rest of Europe on December 2, and in North America on December 3. The album is available as a limited-edition (500 copies at first press), hand-numbered double digi-CD, featuring six bonus tracks taken from the band's 2012 & 2013 digital EPs - Awoken by Crows and The Deceit - and as a digital download.

 A video trailer for the EP can be viewed at this location.

 EYE OF SOLITUDE have always explored new territories. The journey includes the monolithic yet at times Gothic Metal-ish Sui Caedere; the Dante's "Inferno"-based theatrical play of Canto III (Kaotoxin's best-seller to date!), 2013 EP The Deceit, which featured guest vocals by both WE ALL DIE (LAUGHING) vocalists Arno Strobl (CinC / Carnival In Coal, 6:33) and Déhà (COAG, Maladie); and now Dear Insanity, which sees the band entering the darkest part of their desolate world for a 50-minute funeral veil of misery, agony and loss.

The loss of loved ones, the loss of sanity, the feeling of being lost in a mental labyrinth to which the only exit is to become mad to appease the suffering with all the anguish, anxiety and pain it involves. What if the only options infinite pain or the complete loss of one's mind? There's no light, no hope. There's no way out. Never has the "Solitude" portion of the band's name been so well musically represented. Dear Insanity is a transformation, a passage, a slow-motion fall from the celestial grace into a bottomless downward spiral to the most abyssal darkness.

Dear Insanity is recommended for fans of SKEPTICISM, ESOTERIC, and KHANATE.

Story Brought to you By: Clawhammer PR


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