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Band of the Day: Denial Machine

Band: Denial Machine
Genre: Metal
Year Formed: 2009
Location: Chicago
Label: Independent

work cited:

Album of the Day: Seasons in the Abyss by Slayer

Band: Slayer
Album: Seasons in the Abyss
Genre: Thrash Metal
Year Released: 1990
Label: Def American
Producer: Rick Rubin, Andy Wallace, Slayer
Album Number: 5
Album Length: 42:27
Number of Tracks: 10
Favorite Tracks: War Ensemble,  Dead Skin Mask, Born of Fire, Seasons in the Abyss
Rating: 9/10

Band of the Day: Mindset Defect

Band: Mindset Defect
Genre: Metal, Melodic Metal
Year Formed: 2004
Location: Tennessee
Label: Unsigned

Interview: Darren Markoff from Korotory

Band: Korotory
Genre: Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Groove Metal, Hardcore
Year Formed: 1995
Location: Long Island, NY
Members: Ray Truhn: Vocals
Darren Markoff: Drums
Chris Clemente: Lead/Rhythm Guitars
Brett Weatherston: Bass
Matt Scriva: Lead/Rhythm Guitars

Interview with: Darren Markoff

Interview Through Email:
The band has been doing this since 1995, how about the bands career so far? "It is what it is and we are very proud of what we have accomplished. We never got signed to a major label or did huge tours but we managed to build an incredible fan base that continues to grow, We have played hundreds and hundreds of shows with some of the biggest and best bands in the world, learned a lot of lessons about the "biz" and most of all we have stayed true to ourselves the entire time. We have been a metal band and only a metal band for 17 years and survived every shitty trend. Just being around that long is amazing but being around that long and remaining trend free is even more amazing."

If some one picks up one of your albums what should the expect to hear? "100% relentless METAL from the heart. We like to mix up tempos and riffing styles but the main thing is its all about the groove. There is nothing like when that groove hits and its just right and makes you wanna destroy the world. It's been our thing since day one and will never change."

What is the writing process when you go to the studio? "Usually some one has a riff or a pattern and we just jam on it and start putting it together from there. The process changed a bit on this new album, but for the most part that's how its done."

What has been the greatest hill the band had to over come? "Honestly there have been many. So many that when they happen to most bands once they split, but we have always tried to take the bumbs and bruises and learn from them and improve from them. I think just being a metal band and wearing it on our sleeve and doing what we do when everyone told us to change is the greatest one. The amount of times through out the late 90's and early 00's people told us to lighten our sound, or change the way we write and we flat out said said no is a testament to our persistence and determination to give 100% to the genre we love and the fans of metal."

Interview: Mike Napolitano from DA 27

Band: DA 27
Year Formed: 2011
Genre: Thrash Metalcore
Location: Seattle, WA
Label: none
Members: Buzz King: Drums
Evan Aemerich: Bass Guitar
Kristoffer Novak: Guitar
Mike Napolitano: Guitar
Kin Furtado: Vocals

Interview with: Mike Napolitano

Interview Though Email:
What is Thrash Metalcore? "Thrash Metal/Hardcore is a mix of old school Thrash ie: Anthrax, Slayer, Pantera mixed with hardcore ie: Some intelligible vocals with melodies unlike straight Dark Metal or Black Metal, which has the timings and hooks but has the grind type vocals. All this mixed with a punk sense of writing and rhythm's."

What is the Metal scene like is Seattle? "Right now in Seattle there are a growing number of Metal Bands from all Genre's of Metal. Along with this, some old favorite's from the Seattle Metal era of the mid eighties are coming back around. Bands like Mace and Coven."

What are some bands that influence your band? "We are influenced by Slayer, Anthrax, Suicidal Tendencies, Messugah, Gojira, Fear Factory. To say the least."

How do you get ready for a show? "Practice, Practice, Practice...... And we're ready."\
What are your live shows like? "We are a high energy, fast paced, Kick you in the teeth type of live show. But we always regard the crowds and facilitate interactions. Mosh Pit \,,/"

What is your writing process? "How we write is an evolving process that changes all the time. The tools change and the mind sets of the writers change. But there is no formula that we use. Mostly bring in hooks and develop them into songs."

Band of the Day: DA 27

Band: DA 27
Year Formed: 2011
Genre: Thrash Metalcore
Location: Seattle, WA
Label: none
Albums: 1

Interview: Sandro Capone from Bejelit

Band: Bejelit
Genre: Heavy Power Metal
Location: Arona
Label: Bakerteam Records
Members: Fabio Privitera: Vocals
Sandro Capone: Guitars
Marco Pastorino: Guitars
Giorgio Novarino: Bass
Giulio Capone: Drums and Keys

Interview with: Sandro Capone

Interview Through Email:
What are some bands that influenced your music? "Eeach member of the band writes and composes our own songs, so everyone of us listen to different bands and genres: from Sonata Arctica to Symphony X, Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Children Of Bodom, Queen and many more bands and artists over rock and metal music. The mix of our music preferences give our final influences."

You have released 4 albums, if some one wants to start listening to your music what album should they start with to bring them to like your music? "Our four albums are very different. Our first album, Hellgate, is direct, power and energetic but the quality is quiet similar to an eighties production. Our second album, Age Of Wars, is more epic maybe our third, You Die And I..., is very aggressive with dark atmosphere. Our fourth album, Emerge, is the best one about quality and production, more positive than the third one and very very power! After this short review of our discography it's not easy to reccomend a specific album but we are very proud of our latest release so I reccomend to listen Emerge."

You list your bands genre as "Heavy Power Metal" can you explain what that means?
"We list Heavy-Power metal because journalists and reviews list us with these words. It's too easy to talk about us as a power metal band because we have too much more influences from every genre of metal. We prefer to play the music that we like and leave the comment and the list to the people that listen to us."

Why did you start this band? "We start to play for fun so we would like to write personal music and try to make something that we like.. after our first demo we saw that people like us and we understood that we could make something more than a demo."

How as the band evolved since the release of the first album? "Many thing are changed in these past years. By our first album I think that the most relevant thing is to approach the life of a real band. From the two latest album we have worked hard and seriously to this project, to spread the name and the music all over the world by internet and with our gigs. The only thing that has not changed is the way to write and compose our own music and have fun to play it."

Interview: Joakim Hedestedt from Mass Murder Agenda

Profile Picture
Band: Mass Murder Agenda
Genre: Industrial Hardcore
Year Formed: 2009
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Label: Black Lodge
Members: Tristan Agdler: Vocals
  Joakim Hedestedt: Bass
  Martin Sundberg: Guitar
  Henrik Blomqvist: Audio Warfare
  Chris Barkensjö: Drums

Interview with: Joakim Hedestedt

Interview Though Email:

What are some of the bands that influence your music? "We are mostly influenced by Ministry, Slayer and Nine Inch Nails. Somesynth bands also give some inspiration.

You have a song out on itunes called "Never Again" what shouldsome expect to hear from it? "“Never Again” was written for the solepurpose to fit in the category “radio friendly”, so that make it one of ourmost commercial songs. It have it all, catchy chorus, driven hard verse, softbreaks and more….but I would not call it representative for the rest of thealbum."

What is the Metal scene like in Sweden? "Most bands in Sweden are influencedby Gothenburg and the melodic death metal sound  that they produce, like In Flames, Soilworketc. Our style are not that common…yet. As chances to play live I think wecould do better, we have too few venues and too many bands."

What are your live shows like? "I decided when we started this bandthat our live shows should be more visible and amazing than the average bandwithin our size, we use our own lights and have two TV screens with videos thatare matched to the songs we play….nothing for a weak stomach…I always bleed onstage…that’s the dedication we will give you. I can assure you that you won’tforget us after a show."

Band of the Day: Firebrand Super Rock

Firebrand Super Rock
Band: Firebrand Super Rock
Genre: Heavy Metal
Year formed: 2004
Location: Edinburgh
Label: Rising Records

Work Cited:

Interview: Beramli Sami from Thorius

Band: Thorius
Genre: Instrumental Metal
Label: None
Location: France

Interview with: Beramli Sami

Interview Though Email:
Why start a Instrumental Metal band? "I decided to create songs alone and I don't sing , I listen to lots of instrumental bands too and I try to sing with my guitar."

Why did you decide to start a one-man Metal band?
"I didn't find people in Paris to work with on a metal band unfortunately , that's why I choose to start a one-man Metal band."

What is the Metal scene like in France? "Many many bands , many people love Metal but France is not opened musically. Metal isn't known enough , most of people got their own idea and it's most of the time bad bias. So it's hard for Metal french bands to be attractive unless they got a big notoriety. Fortunately , thanks to Gojira , Metal scene is progressing a bit."

Are you in any other bands? "I work with differents artists like Tibz , Thomas Parth , to live and that keeps me active by working with other people , thing that I miss a lot on my own project."

What has been the biggest challenge you had to face in your music career? "I think trying to live with a one-man instrumental metal band being alone is already a big challenge I have to face everyday !"

Interview: Kings Field

Profile Picture
Band: Kings Field
Genre: Progressive Power Metal
Year formed: 2004
Label: Stir it up Records
Location: Phoenix

Interview Though Email:

Why did you want to start a Progressive Power Metal band? "It was never our intent to start a "progressive power metal" band, we wanted to play something more than just power chords. Adding a progressive element to the music lets us write anything we want."

What is Progressive Power Metal? "It's an intricate touch to epic metal!"

You have shared the stage with a lot of bands, do you have any favorites?
- Andrew -
"Although we have shared the stage with many incredible bands, I believe my favorite would be Kamelot. They have had quite a knack for songwriting, theatrics, and overall exhibition. Roy Kahn was a terrific frontman, but I can't wait to see what their new singer, Tommy Karevik, brings to the table."

If someone picks up "The Perfect Balance" what should the expect to hear? "A refreshing sound, we worked very hard on the music trying to keep the songs catchy while adding changes and dynamics to the song."

What are some of the bands that influence your music? "Scar Symmetry, Blind Guardian, Queen, Dream Theater, Versailles, Dir en Grey, Dirty Loops, Soilwork, Angra and Adagio."

You have been going at this since 2004, is there anything new you have learned about the music business since you started, and any tips for someone who is just starting a band?
- Rene -
"If you want to get rich or live like a rock star, you are in the wrong business. You really have to be passionate about music and all has to come from the heart. You have to be honest to yourself, because at the end of the day you have to be proud of what you are making and hopefully someone will like it. Speaking for myself, when I see people singing my lyrics and words, it's priceless. Best feeling in the world, hands down. For any bands out there: if you are really serious about music, find the right people to work with. It's going to save you a lot of headaches. This is a life style, not a trend. Happy journey!" 

Album of the Day: Gambling with the Devil by Helloween

Band: Helloween
Album: Gambling with the Devil
Genre: Power Metal
Year Relased: 2007
Label: SPV/Steamhammer
Producer: Charlie Bauerfeind
Album Number: 12
Album Length: 57:33
Number of Tracks: 12
Favorite Tracks: Kill It, Paint a New World, The Bells of the 7 Hells, Fallen to Pieces, Heaven Tells No Lies
Rating: 8.5/10

Interview: Dracman from Darkc3ll

Band: Darkc3ll
Genre: Powerhouse Industrial/Rock/Metal
Year Formed: 2010
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Label: RTD Records
Members: J.Dracman: Vox
Postmortem Matt: Guitars/Electro/Synths
Rit Derelict: Live Bass
Scott Wade: Live Drums

Interview with: J.Dracman

Interview Though Email:
Can you describe what Powerhouse Industrial is? "DARKC3LL!!!! It is a term we use in a nutshell to best describe this. I hate to pigeon hole and all the scenester BS that goes with it, but
if people need a description, ta-dah! Our sound pulls no punches, both on record and live. It is impossible to ignore. It's loud as F**K and intense on so many levels. Just the way I like it, and we love it."

If someone picks up you debut album REBOOT:REPEAT what should they expect to hear?
"Something special.....This album is a soundtrack for life of various themes, and I won't go into graphic detail, but I advise this. Expect something exciting, and truly memorable. Crank that volume dial and let yourself go to our madness...."

Do you have a favorite song off the album? "PSYCHO!!!!! It's a confessional and an exorcism rolled into one."
What was the game plan going to record this album? "Go hard or go home. We hit the floor running, worked our asses off, had a freakin blast, and made one hell of an album, that we are sooooo proud of. We wanted also to make something exciting for people, that have not had much excitement of late. We took all our favourite elements, stayed true to ourselves, and delivered."
You shared the stage with Wednesday 13, how was that experience? And is there a band/bands that you want to play with? "Wednesday13's the man! Great guy, great sense of humour and fun, and an all round great group of guys in his band. It was a dream to play with him, and would do it again!"
     "Band wishlist? There are many. Any opportunity we get is an honour and I lose my mind sometimes, cause it's so cool to get to play with these bands that you look up to." 

Album of the Day: Forever More by Tesla

Band: Tesla
Album: Forever More
Genre: Hard Rock
Producer: Terry Thomas
Label: Ryko Records
Album Number: 6
Album Length: 53.6
Number of Track: 12
Favorite Track: Forever More, I Wanna Live, One Day at a Time, Just in Case, All of Me, The Game
Rating: 8.5/10

Work cited:

Band of the Day: Ciompo Rock

Ciompo Rock - Photo
Band: Ciompo Rock
Genre: Groove/Thrash Metal
Location: Florence, Tuscany
Label: Unsigned/independent
Number of Album: 4
Number of Demo/EP: 0
Status: Active

Work cited:

Interview: Dave Coia from Scordatura

Cover Photo
Band: Scordatura
Genre: Death Metal
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Label: Unsigned
Members: Daryl Boyce: Vocals
Dave Coia: Guitar
Owen McKendrick: Guitar
Mark Scobie: Bass/Vocals
Tam Moran: Drums 

Interview with: Dave Coia

Interview Through Email:
What is the Metal scene like in Scotland? "The metal scene in Scotland is definitely getting stronger - for a while it was ver quite. However there seems to be bigger bands coming to Scotland and there is definetly a lot of new great bands coming out of Scotland."

Death Metal isn't really a genre a lot of people listen to, why start a Death Metal band? "Why not? We enjoy what we do and the music we play. It may not be the biggest market in the world but theres no point in following trends."
What are some of the bands that influence your music? "Some of our main influences are definitely Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cryptopsy & Aborted."

You have opened for a good amount of bands, do you have a personal favorite? And is there a band that you want to open for? "Our favourite has to be either Wormrot or Aborted - it would be hard to choose. If we could we'd love to share the stage with Dying Fetus!"
What is the full length album going to sound like? "For the full length we're going for a well produced sound but without sounding too clinical. The material we are recording is by far our strongest to date. We can't wait to get this out to you guys!"

We would like to Thank Dave Coia and Scordatura for doing this interview with us. Never stop what your doing!

Metal Album Review: Serpentine by Lethal Chaos

Band: Lethal Chaos
Album: Serpentine
Genre: Hardcore/Metal
Label: Unsigned
Album Number: 1
Length of Album: 34.3
Number of Tracks: 9
Favorite Tracks: Serpentine, Shades of Grey, The Wreckening, Loaded, Eject
Rating: 8/10
Reason for the Rating:This is a solid album, great production value. But some of the songs are a little much, and not in the good way. But having said that we are doing a review on it so it must be good and we gave the album 8 out of 10, so the good must out weight the bad. The have made there own sound in this album. This album is a must buy if you like Metal. Trust us this album will grow on you.

Interview: Troy Bell from Avarice

Band: Avarice
Genre: Metal Punk
Label: Unsigned
Hometown: Oakville
Location: Toronto
Members: Troy Bell: Lead and Rhythm guitars
Chris Flynn: Bass guitar
Alex Dabic: Drums

Interview with: Troy Bell

Interview Through Email:
You list your genre as a Metal-Punk band, can you describe Metal-Punk? "Metal punk is kind of a genre that we created since we don’t feel that we fall exclusively within any existing genre of music. It basically merges different elements of both metal and punk together, but in a different way from metalcore. Basically we wanted to take certain elements of metal such as primal drumming, fast riffs and solos, and merge them with a punk attitude to create a dirty, aggressive sound, but one that still focuses on melody. It’s a hard thing to describe. Listen to the songs and hopefully you’ll see what I

Your debut album is called "A Fatal Indulgence" what is the message you are trying to get across with that title, if any? "The message we were trying to get across with naming the album, “A Fatal Indulgence” is very similar to the theme for the band name, “AVARICE”. For those that don’t know avarice means greed, and that is something that we found to be very prevalent in modern society. In the same way we found that many people currently engage in excess in many ways in their lives that ultimately have a negative effect of themselves and the world around them. So in a way the album title reflects our band name in that it is about the manner in which individuals indulge themselves to the point of self destruction."

Why did you start this band? "We started this band because we love music and want to play it for
the rest of our lives. The goal is to take this all the way to the top and show that you don’t have to compromise your artistic integrity in order to succeed."

What is your inspiration to write music? "The band that got all of us into playing music was The Offspring. They’re still one of our favorite bands. Our guitarist (Troy), who writes most of the material, started playing guitar after hearing their album Conspiracy of One. After one listen he went out and promptly bought every one of their albums."

What has been the biggest hill the band had to come over and what has been the greatest moment? "The biggest hill we’ve had to climb is the one we’re still climbing, which is getting more and more exposure and making this dream of ours a reality. The best moment we ever experienced as a band was playing a show called No Money No Soul in downtown Toronto. The whole crowd had never heard us before, but absolutely loved us and gave us one of the best crowds we’ve ever played to. It really meant a lot considering that there were two other bands that basically were ignored by the audience prior to us playing. To us it was confirmation that we have something really special here and that we need to pursue it. To anyone out there reading this, check out our free music"

We would like to thank Avarice for doing this interview with us. We wish them nothing but the best in there career!

Interview: Matt O'Donnell from Bury the Conscious

Band: Bury the Conscious
Genre: Metal
Year Formed: 2010
Label: Vendetta Records
Hometown: Liverpool
Members: Mike Roberts: Lead Vocals
Matt Clynch: Drums
Matt O'Donnell: Guitar/Vocals
Luke Crowther: Bass/Vocals

Interview with: Matt O'Donnell

Interview Through Email:

You played at Bloodstock Open Air Festival on the New Blood Stage, what was your experience at the festival? "We all really enjoyed the festival, as we were playing along side Bands that we all love...Devin Townsend, Motorhead etc. We played the Saturday morning and got a good stage time and we had a really good crowd"
Did you expect the kind of reviews and response you have been getting about your music? "Yes and no, because we try to aim to sound a little bit different from all the bog standard metal music out there, people either get our music or dont, which we love. We aim to get the interest of the people listening"

In looks like every member of the band sorta has different bands that influenced them, does this sometimes make problems or does it help the band's music? "If anything it adds to it, again we all like such different types...from blues to funk, all kinds comes out when we write music. we do have the common interests in metal obviously, but its the different genres which really help us get our sound"

Is there anything that you have learned about the Music business that you didn't know before starting this band? "Well, we have come into contact with people who want to help us etc, but sometimes they have different ideas to what we want to achieve. also some venues/promoters we have come into contact with want a pay to play scheme, which needs to be stamped out! As its a joke for new up coming bands to get heard!"
How is the band going to keep this success up? "We are in talks with a few different managers and distributions labels at the mo, but we are looking for the right fit for us to release our music. we are also going to go on tour later in the year and keep playing live, which we love to do, since we go a bit crazy on stage!"

We would like to thank Bury the Conscious for doing this interview with us. We hope that they keep there success up for many years to come.

Interview: Cyrus Saint Leviticus from Masquerade of Shadows

Photo of Masquerade Of Shadows
Band: Masquerade of Shadows
Genre: Prog Metal
Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Interview with: Cyrus Saint Leviticus

Interview Through Email:
Why start a Prog Metal band? "All of the members of Masquerade of Shadows like progressive metal. We love the elements of technique combined with the emotion of metal music. It is a great combination! Symphony X is one of our favorite bands and a huge influence on us."
You have members that have lived all over the world, does that help bring in new ideas when writing music? "Having a diverse musical palette has added a nice mixture to our rhythmical and melodic compositions."
What is the Metal scene like in Alaska? "Here in Alaska the most popular form of live metal is the Thrash and Grind Core type stuff. There are not a lot of venues to play at in our city of Anchorage. There are many metal music fans here though."
How did you come up with your name? "Originally, we wanted to call our band "Masquerade" after the Phantom of the Opera song. Since there was a band (out of Sweden, I think) that already had the name we decided on "Masquerade of Shadows". It seems to fit us perfectly!"
Thank you Masquerade of Shadows for you time. Wish you nothing but the best of luck

Band of the Day: The Name

The Name - Photo
Band: The Name
Genre: Doom Metal
Year Formed: 2003
Location: Bilbao, Biscay, Basque Country
Label: Unsigned/Independent
Number of Demo/EP: 2 Demos
Number of Albums: 1

Album of the Day: Way of the Fist by Five Finger Death Punch

Band: Five Finger Death Punch
Album: Way of the Fist
Genre: Groove/Alt Metal
Year Released: 2007
Producer: Zoltan Bathory, Jeremy Spencer
Label: Firm Music
Album Number: 1
Length of Album: 39:02
Number of Tracks: 10
Favorite Tracks: ALL
Rating: 10/10

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