Genre: Dark
Rock, Goth´Rock, Doom Blues
Location: Hamburg/
Sassy Skeleton/ Vox and Lyrics
Rotten/ all Instruments/
Programming, Lyrics/ Production
Interview Though Email with: Sassy and Rotten
Rotten: "The
name REACTIVE BLACK refers to a chemical fomula of a dye. This so called
"reactive dyes" act on the atomic level of the material to be dyed.
Anyone who has ever worked with this dye , especially the BLACK coloured ones, know, everything came
together with the dye is permanently black, [...]
this is how we see the world, for our belief, we got both sides inside of us,
good and evil, light and shadow, etc. AND we should be aware of and should
explore them, NOT hide them. Human depths are much deeper than we think. And
this is REACTIVE BLACK is about, the dark and too often hidden sides of
Sassy: "The
name means to us a kind of black reaction to the dishonest society, the thought
of the western world with her, for us, false values, and against the
religions that deceive people and oppress them. Religion themself use people as
stupid instruments for their needs and justify their actions against other
people or unbelievers in the name of their damn god !Whether this is
Christianity, Judaism or Islam or whatever .... any religion that oppresses its
people and blind them, can not be right.
our black attitude, you know, we
"react" at least with our music against this damned world outside.
The "stupidity"and the "mass conformity" of the people
gives us our blues to do our thing."
When you guys started in 2005, did you
think that you would still be going strong today?
Sassy: "Hmm,
the question gets back to you...what does it mean for you to be "still
going strong"? Do you mean it in the direction of being successful?
the question is: what does it mean, to be successfull? To sell thousands of
records and have enough money not to have a small job? Going the commercial
way, or just do your own thing?! I think, if you want to artistically express
yourself through music or any kind of art because it is a part of your life, it
is not so important how successful you are, because as long as you do it, it's
Rotten: "I
totally agree! Of course, you use opportunities that arise here and there, and
rejoice over any type of sales and distribution, especially in these times. But
above all, music is my therapy, my daily drug, my way to endure through the
pain that we call life! Some speak of success only in terms of money or making
money. I am quite sure - and definitely - not a capitalist and I wish this kind
of thinking and the moral values of this civilization straight to hell! In my
opinion, anyway it is time for a new revolution in order to reset some things
and completely rearrange or bild them up new!"
Rotten: "
continue to be ourselves?! Of course you put your budget as certain limits. So,
playing live at the moment means as well a huge financial outlay, we can hardly
cope alone. As well the live situation is totaly down!
see what happens. As well, we are working on a more "unusal" video!
Unfortunately we experienced some bitter disappointments with our current
partners in distribution and promotional ways. We sometimes really wonder
...but thats another story....
the moment we are as well working on some remixes for some other bands! We've
got our hands full!"
Sassy: "Oh,
yes! [..] Our third CD is already finished, but our actual so called partners
seems to be no longer be the right one.
Maybe we release the album by ourselves. It can hardly be more disastrous, but
the last words on that are not spoken yet! But first will shortly launch a
fee-based download EP."
Why start a Gothic Metal band?
Sassy: "I wonder if it's really gothic metal?! I think, it´s more a combination of gothic
rock, dark rock with heavy guitars and melodic keyboard, maybe it sounds here
and there like gothic metal, but we call it "doom-blues"!"
Rotten: "Hu,
I personally have never thought about what musical direction I use or want to
use! I think my influences are too
complex. I think we are combining many things 70ies rock, Metal, Punk, Doom,
Wave, Gothic, Electronic influences etc. I don´t really know, hard to
describe.....but all in all it is very emotional as well as dark and delicious!"
Sassy: "Yep,
that´s right! You know, we need our music to express ourselves, so it
could even be some kind of "dark
pop", lol....why not?! I do not think you need the pain to get any
pruning, only because you have to fit into any drawer."
Rotten: "Well-worded!"
You have two full-length albums out (If I
am correct) "Upcoming Evil" and "A New Dawn...", where can
some one go to get these albums?
Sassy: "That's
right! As already mentioned, we are currently not very happy with our
co-operation partners! So, many thing have to change before the next release!
Well, for Europe you can get our CD´s at your local record store and for the
digital thing use Itunes, Amazon and this things! As well, we sell our CD by
ourselves worldwide via our webshop, BUT we´ll sign them and send them with a
little goodie!"
So, take a look here: Feel free to order!
How do the two albums differ from each
Rotten: "Well,
when we started Reactive Black in 2005, of course, some songs came into the
race with which I already finished, but they needed some kind of a special
sounding voice, not one of those opera singers or growls. So, when I first met
Sassy, I decided to offer her 3 of this songs and.....her voice fits wonderful
and gave the songs a very unique touch.
can say, Sassy´s voice is a real trademark of REACTIVE BLACK and I like
both got very excited about the results and for the rest of the writing we've
dug ourselves and the result was "Upcoming Evil."
new dawn" was a completely new approach, a real impression of a time,
which was not the easiest for me. I had to made many changes in my life and
lost friends by death, so say only a few things! All this influences are part
of this record, this is how we feel, how we hate and love!!!"
Sassy: ""a
new dawn..." for me, is more
"forward" and heavier than our first album, without loosing it´s melancholy, we already got on
"upcoming evil". But all in all, this musically mixture seems to be
very unique and polarising and that´s cool! We walked our way and worked out
some kind of "more depth" on the songs or let´s say "this sweet
think, when you 're listening to the songs, especially the ones of "a new dawn..." you have to be in a
special mood. It's not an album for party time or goth´ disco events... it's
more for individuals who wants to retire from the world outside. How we said,
it´s dark and delicious!"
When will listeners expect to hear a new
full-length album?
Rotten: "Well,
the new CD is already finished and contains some goodies and collaborations
with other well known musicians of this genre. I am very proud of this
co-works, but I do not want to talk too much about that!"
in the next few weeks we will release a
download EP, which gives a little taste
of the stuff coming up next!"
Sassy: "Really soon!
But, we'll release the new album when we think the time is right for it. In
these days, we will see, what comes."
Rotten and Sassy:
David for this interview for Everything Metal, cheers!
black and be yourself!!!
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