Band: Malevolence
Genre: Grindcore/Metal
Year Formed: 1992
Label: Independent
Location: Auckland NZ
Interview with: Daryl & Malevolence
Interview Though Email:
What was the band's experience at Christchurch Satanfest and Wellington Hellingtion666?
Daryl: "Satanfest was always a good show. I didsound for most of them so I’m biased though. I think I dressed as a nun for theoccasion - Satanfest was set around Halloween each year so loads of peoplewould turn up in various horror metal garb. It was a party more than just agig."
Julz: "I don't remember Satanfest well, but I remember that Hellington666 had a stage plan for the goat skulls"
Ben: "I didn't play Satanfest - before my time.That Hellington666 skull stage plot was awesome."
Daryl: "I’d forgotten about the stage plot. We wereat Matt from Backyard Burial’s house and his flat-mate was involved inorganizing it, and was showing us the plans for set up."
The band formed in 1992, How would you described the band's career?
All: "Long and awesome (laughs)"
Daryl: "To be honest it was a very different bandin 92 more thrash oriented. I’d just left a Death Metal band and wanted toexplore something more musical. It didn’t last too long J Along the way the bandhas grown and moved in different directions. I tend to think of it as anevolutionary process - sometimes this process has thrown up mutations, butgenerally each change has brought growth. The current lineup is in its 7th yearand I don’t think I ‘ve ever been happier with Malevolence - everyone is on thesame wavelength and moving forward."
What are your live shows like?
All: "Short and awesome. (laughs)"
"Our favourite description from an audiencemember is “its like being torn apart by hyenas while someone throws pieces of adrum kit at you”
Being tight is extremely important inthe type of music we play so we strive to nail every change and stop. Arelentless assault."
What are some of the bands that influence your music?
"We try not to sound like anyone inparticular, and we all listen to a wide variety of music. I’ve always been into Metal and I’m not too fussy about sub-genres, Julz comes from a much more punkand noise direction but appreciates any extreme music. Ben prefers Black Metaland Grind, but we have our common ground. We all love Napalm Death, Phobia,Gorerotted and a wide range of other stuff, from Mercyful Fate to The Exploitedto Rotten Sound and beyond."
What should some one expect to hear from your upcoming CD set to release in 2012?
"The best thing we've done so far - much morerepresentative of our live shows than anything previously released. Initiallywe recorded 8 songs for it, but it clocked in at around 15 minutes so we had tohold off and write more songs. We really wanted to break the 30-minute barrier J If people want tocheck out rough mixes or earlier material go to our website where mostof it is available as a free download."
Have you pick out a name for it yet?
"The working title is “Nothing and Nowhere”and we’re just doing the artwork and layout so it’s pretty much done and dusted- We’ve got nearly an EP worth of new material too so a follow up isn't too faraway."
Where will it be available for some one to pick up?
"Grindhead records in Australia are releasingit later in the year, so details will go up on the site when we sort that out.We’ll be selling it at shows and on the website as well."
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