Band: Outliar
Genre: Thrash Metal
Year Started: 2002
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Influences: Lamb Of God, Machine Head, early era Metallica, Testament, Death Angel, Kreator, Havok, Bay Area Thrash, Death Metal
Label: Unsigned
Interview with: Ray from Outliar
Interview Through Email:
How did you get into Thrash Metal? "I first got into thrash metal back in the late 80's when I started listening to Metallica - Master of Puppets. From there, I wanted to hear more aggressive and faster music that still had melody and was unique. Back then everything was so fresh and raw. Whether it was Testament, Vio-lence, Nuclear Assault or Kreator it was all unique and thrashing with authority."
Is it hard being a Thrash Metal band in this decade? "Being in a thrash band today is certainly far more difficult than it was when ideas were very unique and there were people buying records as opposed to so much downloading done today. People came to shows much more back then too, it seems. Having said that, it doesn't deter us from writing the best music we can and thrashing as much as possible."
What band/bands would you love to tour with? "A dream tour for us would be Death Angel, Kreator, Lamb of God and Testament. Some newer bands like Havok and Diamond Plate would be awesome as well."
What was it like working with James Murphy (Testament, Death, Obituary, Cancer, Disincarnate)? "Working with James Murphy was awesome. He has been my idol for years now so it was truly a dream come true. He gave us a lot of guidance and was such a great guy, we'd love to have him on every record if we could work it out."
I would like to thank Ray and Outliar. I hope your Thrash Metal days never end!
And don't forget to pick up a copy of there album "Provoked to Anger" Just click on the link below.
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