Band: Scordatura
Genre: Death Metal
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Label: Unsigned
Members: Daryl Boyce: Vocals
Dave Coia: Guitar
Owen McKendrick: Guitar
Mark Scobie: Bass/Vocals
Tam Moran: Drums
Dave Coia: Guitar
Owen McKendrick: Guitar
Mark Scobie: Bass/Vocals
Tam Moran: Drums
Interview with: Dave Coia
Interview Through Email:
What is the Metal scene like in Scotland? "The metal scene in Scotland is definitely getting stronger - for a while it was ver quite. However there seems to be bigger bands coming to Scotland and there is definetly a lot of new great bands coming out of Scotland."
Death Metal isn't really a genre a lot of people listen to, why start a Death Metal band? "Why not? We enjoy what we do and the music we play. It may not be the biggest market in the world but theres no point in following trends."
What are some of the bands that influence your music? "Some of our main influences are definitely Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cryptopsy & Aborted."
You have opened for a good amount of bands, do you have a personal favorite? And is there a band that you want to open for? "Our favourite has to be either Wormrot or Aborted - it would be hard to choose. If we could we'd love to share the stage with Dying Fetus!"
What is the full length album going to sound like? "For the full length we're going for a well produced sound but without sounding too clinical. The material we are recording is by far our strongest to date. We can't wait to get this out to you guys!"
Death Metal isn't really a genre a lot of people listen to, why start a Death Metal band? "Why not? We enjoy what we do and the music we play. It may not be the biggest market in the world but theres no point in following trends."
What are some of the bands that influence your music? "Some of our main influences are definitely Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cryptopsy & Aborted."
You have opened for a good amount of bands, do you have a personal favorite? And is there a band that you want to open for? "Our favourite has to be either Wormrot or Aborted - it would be hard to choose. If we could we'd love to share the stage with Dying Fetus!"
What is the full length album going to sound like? "For the full length we're going for a well produced sound but without sounding too clinical. The material we are recording is by far our strongest to date. We can't wait to get this out to you guys!"
We would like to Thank Dave Coia and Scordatura for doing this interview with us. Never stop what your doing!
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