Band: Echalon
Genre: Black Metal
Location: Kherson, Uk
Label: Unsigned
Website: http://www.myspace.com/587872441
Interview with: Cerberus
Interview Through Twitter:
Why did you want to start a Black Metal band? "Why black? Because I play Black Metal 12 fucken years and play other style? No I have band demonium (death black) echalon (black) getman (ethnic pagan black) now I search label for my solo project getman, new album was recorded at my studio, and I love black."
What should we expect to here from the new album you are about to release? "new album of echalon have some style from heavy metal with black riffs and some symphonic elements, not so fast but very atmos-fear-ical. Sound style like immortal and dimmu borgir."
How did you get into Metal? "First step in Metal I go in 13 years. Its was funny time. first band abaddon,we play symphonic black metal and I was singing in the band. Of all my bands and projects, after abaddonme and my friend started demonium in 2005,we play very fast and angry black metal, now demonium play something like behemoth and nile, in echalon and getman i all recorded myself,its my 2 children."
We would like to thank Cerberus for doing this Interview. Make sure you all check out Echalon's music!
We would like to thank Cerberus for doing this Interview. Make sure you all check out Echalon's music!
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